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What If...

It's Sunday, April 18th, 2021. It's a '9' day, numerologically (time to wrap up some of those projects!) and a 'chocolate' day, biodynamically. Ha! Just kidding. It's a 'flower' day.

I woke up early this morning - even with having been up so late last night - and felt like this day was a Day of Grace; not in a church-y, religious kind of way; rather, a day of pause, adjustment, and inner assimilation.

I looked around at the various projects I have started, decided which were quick enough to resolve/ finish, and then followed through on a few calls that were 'outstanding,' in more than one way.

Then, my afternoon visitor called to reschedule...

...and I had a surprise visit from my youngest;

not in that order.

Have you seen your days being rearranged?

Your activities becoming more fluid?

Your priorities shifting?

What if this is all part of the Divine and Perfect Plan that is playing out - right now?

What if the whole Plan requires your complete trust, flexibility, and acceptance?

What if the whole Plan is just noticing where you are still being triggered (to heal), and noticing what is surprising and perfect (like a chipmunk-planted pea sprout, growing with some rogue lemon balm in with the fig tree)?!

What if the whole Plan requires your awareness, compassion, and participation - and not your judgment?

Seems like this is in alignment with "Gate 3:

Line 3 - Survival The ability to recognize and distinguish between fertile and sterile in their various manifestations. Exaltation: In reproduction, the ability to choose the best mate. An innate knowing of what is sterile and what is fertile where the mutation is specifically biological and dependent on collaboration with others. Detriment: The perverse denial of evolutionary standards. An innate contrariness which refuses to mutate."

What if the terms 'sterile and 'fertile' are really about what is 'pro-evolutionary'...or not?

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