Hooray, it's Friday! May, 29th to be exact....and my question for you today is:
Am I weird enough? ...Well, we know that I am.
Are you?
Alain de Botton states: "There's a whole category of people who miss out by not allowing themselves to be weird enough." (Thank you, Susie, for finding & sharing that quote!)
I think I may be weird enough...perhaps weirdness boundaries are flexible though, for ever-increasing levels of weirdness?
I just received a call from Zelda, who said she had to call to let me know that working with me yesterday was liberating and as she woke this morning, her Inner Child was exuberantly expressing: "I'm free, I'm free!"

Zelda makes 'Hoops' - huge dreamcatcher-type knotted portals with crystals and metals that shift and transform energy.
She brought this one with her yesterday. It certainly boosted the energy to another level, as we worked on making crowns.
That's nice.
Wait, what? Crowns?! Weird...!!
Oh, yes. And magical and functional, too.

I keep getting incremental instructions that provide insights on how to work with energy...and making crowns is the most recent piece.
Each metal, stone, crystal holds it's own frequency and together they work to assimilate incoming energy in a way that can be more easily integrated into our existing framework. This feels like ancient Lemurian and Atlantian technology.

Don't you love losing time in the process of creation? Allowing yourself to create with abandon - using everything available for your masterpiece?
What a fun day. As we created and conversed, sharing recent experiences and synchronicities, it was good to know that the admiration, appreciation, and gratitude was mutual.
Beauty and functionality; individuality and connectedness need not be mutually exclusive...right?
I am increasingly grateful for folks who show up (here and in life) with their whole self - willing to be weird and wonderful; magical and free. I wish you all a little more unique weirdness today!