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Soular Eclipse

It's Monday, December 14th and for the next 6 days we'll be in Gene Key 11: The Light of Eden (Shadow)Obscurity – (Gift)Idealism – (Siddhi)Light.

Richard Rudd shares this wisdom:

'Spiritual maturity is to see through the spiritual ego. Sometimes a mistake is pure gold, so we needn’t beat ourselves up. A mistake that shows us our tendency towards the inessential, towards something that hooks our beliefs, can be a massive wake-up call.'

Pretty wise, huh?

How do you understand this, within the context of this Gene Key?

I'm wondering how might this be relevant for me, as an individual - and for the collective?

In Human Design, This is Gate 11: Peace

"Line 1 - Attunement The serendipity of being in the right place at the right time. Exaltation: The nourishment derived from being with those who share the same goals and aspirations. The gift of finding those who will value your ideas."

Let's take these themes: obscurity, idealism, light, peace, and look at the fact that today is also a New Moon in Sagittarius...

...and a solar eclipse!

Has that sparked any resolve?

Lena writes:

"Do what you can during this powerful time to become clear on your actions and inspired by your imagination and your intentions,"

and Pam states, "Energetically, a Solar Eclipse is an amplifed New Moon; it not only marks the beginning of a new four-week lunar cycle, it also sets themes for the next six months."

Whew! Okay, pressure, huh?

This day feels charged enough without anything more.

Of course, I'm all about holding extremes, so here's this eye-opening interview - if you're feeling strong. I do love Dannion Brinkley, who reminds us not to be afraid to death of death!

I'll leave you with the quote in the Irish Triads:

Three candles Illumine the darkness: truth; nature; knowledge.

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