It's Tuesday, June 15th; today is an '8' day, numerologically (did you move from success to success, today?) and a 'fruit' day, biodynamically.
Since '8' is my number, I am always happy to find myself happily exhausted from the successes of these days! Rather than bore you with my super-long, checked-off to-do list, I will share with you the moments of clarity that arose that enabled me to accomplish it all.

It started with a video of a brave reporter, which was very encouraging, as it allowed me to see that there are folks coming forward and speaking truth in the Main Stream Media.
What did that spark?
Hope. Encouragement. Faith.
Yeah. And connection.
It set the tone of anticipation for the day, and from that, everything flowed brilliantly. Better, in fact, than I could have planned.

With contagious excitement, I shared those emotions with Chris, Denny, and Ian (such a fun visit! I love sharing the garden...)
And this energy carried me to connect with another brilliant human at the Post Office...and then again at the grocery store.
My good mood carried through the loss of Dottie's grocery in Brattleboro and allowed me to stretch time and arrive home well before my Zoom meeting with Z & C.
Then, I also got a salad made, before this evening's Human Design reading/session!
How does today's Human Design fit?
"Gate 12.3 - Harsh introspection or not is theme; Line 3 - Confession The process of self-analysis. Exaltation: The recognition of inadequacies and the purging of unjustified vanities. The expression of inadequacies in social interaction that leads to self-analysis and caution."
Well, I self-analyzed my process...realize that I have sometimes been holding myself back from too much hope/anticipation/desire.
So, will I allow excitement and momentum to continue? Hmm...
What I do know is that I am done looking at what I'm not doing correctly or finishing - and am realizing that it's okay to still have a great day!