It's Saturday, August 1st and we're in Gate 33 Line 3 (Spirit).
Ideally, this is about taking a responsible and principled retreat based on preservation with the determination to persevere. And so I did.

All week long - for almost two weeks, I've been mostly in front of a computer for various reasons. I've been immersed in the academic world in 3D. Now mind you, I am not unfamiliar with this. I move between 3D and 5D regularly.
That being the case, it's been a long time that I've spent so much time there.
I am so used to being in my garden, in nature, working with natural rhythms of when to wake, sleep, eat, etc...

When I first woke this morning, I did not even get up (simply jotted down some words that were coming through); the second time, either.
The third time I woke, my third eye was pounding and I realized I was dealing with some kind of painful detox process...
That became clear once I was able to clear what had shown up earlier (rigor mortis?! stealing from the dead?? Okaaaay...) and then got myself outside. I realized I was dealing with interdimensional jet lag.

Who knew there was such a thing?
It has lasted all day. Being back in my garden - even working super hard has been very healing. This retreat/recovery has helped me to remember to re-member.
So...these dog days of summer are really about making sure we are taking care of ourselves:
Are you staying hydrated? Are you getting enough sleep? Are you eating real food?

And even more importantly - are you taking the time to feed your soul?
What does that look like for you?
This is what showed up, as I was taking a little break between weed-whacking and weeding.
Magical, huh?
My Inner Child spent quite some time figuring out what it might be.
What do you think?