It's Saturday, April 10th. Happy Birthday, Celeste & Willow!
It's a '1' day, numerologically (foundations, beginnings), yet it's also the last day before tomorrow's New Moon. Seems dichotomous, which is very much like everything else that's happening these days! Also, it's a 'leaf' day, biodynamically, which meant that the popcorn I made tasted extra YUM!

Today was a chance for folks to come and meet Ross Newkirk and try out the Cohere™ Mats here at Dream Barn Hollow.
It was lovely that he arrived last night, so we could benefit from his presence at our Fun Friday Event!
I am more and more convinced that the folks that are drawn here for a visit or event are really here to expand their sense of identity and inner spaciousness. The variety and beauty that each person brings are like the beautiful bouquet Bryn brought.

This also meant that the experience that each person had today, during their session was unique. I tried it this morning and received confirmation of the power of the Rose-Gold Flame.
I wasn't sure what to expect; this was sound healing - and yet it was very different from the sound experience I had working with Preston Nichols. This is Next Level: much more subtle.
It was lovely to visit everyone who came, including Amelia, whom I haven't seen in ages - more than 6 years!
Today, too, we moved into Gene Key 42: Letting Go of Living and Dying; (Shadow)Expectation – (Gift)Detachment – (Siddhi)Celebration.
Richard Rudd writes: "Life is for celebration. It is not just about pleasure, though pleasure is wonderful. Life is also pain and suffering. How do you celebrate suffering? Well, you do so by honouring it as a mystical part of the process of life. Over and over again, we are called upon to let go in our lives. Our grief runs so deep. But all aspects of life are to be honoured, owned and ultimately celebrated deep within our soul."The Pearl Sequence
So, as we laughed together today, I was also grateful for the opportunity to proactively & collaboratively identify some issues for the Clearing Circle tomorrow.
Clearing, dying, mirthing and birthing...all part of Consciousnees Celebrating; expressing itself through us!