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Living Math

Writer's picture: spacedreambarnhollspacedreambarnholl

Today, Tuesday, August 11th we are moving into a New Gate: 4 (Youthful Folly), Line1:

Exaltation: The instinct to know the right moment and circumstances where pleasure is rewarded and not punished. The potential to recognize that there is a natural timing to the understanding process.

I'm thrilled because I have Gate 63 - which completes the channel of Collective Understanding.

For the Gene Keys, Richard Rudd reminds us this time is about looking at

(shadow) Intolerance -

(gift) Understanding -

(siddhi) Forgiveness....

"In life, there are many emotional ups and downs. Sometimes we do things that hurt others, either consciously or unconsciously, and sometimes we are wronged or dishonoured in some way by others. You can only enter the full beauty of the contemplative state when you no longer harbour any resentments or hidden shame...

...As you refine the Art of Contemplation you will realise that there are no mistakes in life. Every event is a whetstone for you to further polish the blade of your worldly wisdom. We are here to learn from our mistakes and to find the inner forgiveness to move on and become a better person."

As I walked through the garden this morning, marveling at the hidden 'fruit,' (yes, all vegetables that contain seeds are considered 'fruit') I was moved by the bounty of nature.

Edamame, squash, tomatoes, eggplant...

When I take a cursory glance, most of these are barely visible - it's such an overgrown jungle! Every year I forget how big and green and overgrown things can become - almost overwhelming.

And each of these beautiful plants - originating from one seed - offer multiple fruits.

 To me, this represents Living Math: 1=???

It's like us: is it enough to be an individual producing multiple 'good fruits' of understanding, forgiveness, kindness?

And yet, how might we be capable of more, if we act/behave/imagine from a place of understanding ourselves as more than an 'individual'?

Maybe we expand, as we understand?

As we move through these next 6 days of Gate 4, I intend to hold greater awareness of how I am maturing; moving from any 'Youthful Folly' and 'Intolerance' (especially of myself, and/or my own Inner Child - I am always my own worst critic!) to greater understanding and forgiveness.

How about you? Are you realizing and recognizing the good things you are growing in this jungle?

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