It's Sunday, May 23rd...the last 5.5.5 portal. Saturn went retrograde, it's a '6' day numerologically (these are good days for group work) and it's a 'root' day, biodynamically.
I got some gardening in this morning before it was time to head down to Brattleboro. En route, I shared a few recent adventures and insights with Brigham and Chris.

One from this morning included having a robin fly into the greenhouse, which I then carried outside gently, until he was ready to fly away...
I knew this meant we would be working with Aeromancy, as well as Geomancy, and Aquamancy. Or: Land. Air. Water.
What an amazing group that showed up!
We had folks from Vermont, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire...and though I trust that the right people will be called to participate, it's always so good to get confirmation.

We had 11 people and it was nice to be working with a Master Number.
It was perfect for the energy of today's Gate, too:
"Gate 20:Line 4 - Application Recognition and awareness that can only be transformed into action in cooperation with those who have the ability to act upon the understanding. Exaltation: The teacher whose students transcend him. Where the expression of awareness can only be turned into action through others. The teacher."
Today was truly a day, where everyone was needed in their own perfect capacity. Cooperation took place, as people moved awareness into action.
We also called on a few folks remotely (like Stacie, who called up wondering what we were up to, as the energies were pretty tough to stomach!)
Birds of all kinds showed up (turkey vultures, woodpeckers, blue jays, ducks, more...), as well as wind, and rain...and as we stationed various stones, clearing stagnant energy and anchoring new - everyone felt things shift. Maybe you did, too?
I'm looking forward to solid sleep tonight!
Perhaps just a bit of Trey's video, though, first...?