It's Monday, October 26th and the Human Design Gate 28(Line 3 - Adventurism) is Gate of the Game Player; the Challenge is Life Itself. Are you being adventurous? Are you having fun?

I hustled to get a few small errands run this morning, before loading up the snow tires.
When Brandon had volunteered to give me a ride back from Vianor (thank you, Brandon!), I didn't realize it was going to include an overview of all of the bells and whistles of his Tesla.
Have you driven one?
Have you been driven by one??
Yeah, that was a wild experience...

It was also entertaining to see the built in: 'Fart on-demand' - or Fart on turn signal' feature (I thought of you, Anarka, and your fart machine!)
Is this ever something you would have imagined in a $$$$ car?!
Me, neither.
Maybe that is why it was funny?

Since it was still rainy and gray when I got home, I worked inside on creating an orgone accumulating blanket: alternating a layer of wool (blanket), stainless steel wool, blanket, steel wool, and blanket.
I tied it and bound the edges, listening to a few stand-up comedy routines, as I sewed.
It's finished, so I'll be trying it out tonight!
Overall, I felt like this was a good day for humorous adventures...was it like that for you? Can we maintain this vibe tomorrow?