It's Wednesday, December 23rd ...and the countdown to Christmas is definitely ON!
Honestly, though, to me, this season feels a bit surreal this year. How about you?

At this point, even driving through town to the post office, or stopping by the credit union...feels a little like theatre.
Do you ever stop to wonder about your routines? The daily, weekly, monthly chores, and errands?
Really, though ... who wrote this script?
Is mine a leading role? Is it close to over?
Are we nearly ready for the cast party?!

Maybe it's my Human Design Profile:
5 (Heretic)/1(Investigator).
Definition of heretic?
'One who differs in opinion from an accepted belief or doctrine : NONCONFORMIST'
That fits with today's energy:
Gate 10:Line 5 - The heretic "Direct and overt challenge to norms. Exaltation: The ability to succeed through the understanding and expression of higher principles. Principled behaviour which directly challenges tradition."
I've spent enough lifetimes experiencing the "Detriment: The burning at the stake. Behaviour which directly challenges behaviour and is eventually punished."
So, after errands, I baked more cookies, was a relatively gracious hostess for visitors....
and am quietly sowing seeds of Higher Principles: quantum entanglement, spiritual enlightenment, and universal connectivity, all the while waiting for the curtain to fall.
Then we can all take off our masks!