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Heaven & Hail

Writer's picture: spacedreambarnhollspacedreambarnholl

Happy July 1st! This is my 100th post -Wow! In retrospect, it feels like time has flown.

How are you navigating your reality? Have restrictions been lifted where you are? Are you ready for Independence Day?

I spent the morning straining tinctures, oils, and vinegars and reading a bit for my next class: The Five Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni.

This is a terrific example of contrast, to me - at an individual and (team) collective level:

We need a foundation of trust, followed by courage and commitment. We hold ourselves accountable to see results.

Is your 'trust' foundation solid? What happens when your faith and trust get rocked?

I took a little time to run outside during a sunny moment to collect some flowers for my face oil: Roses, Calendula, St. John's Wort, Violets, Geraniums, and Evening Primrose.

This year, I am infusing them into oil without heating it.

Aren't these colors just vibrant? Each one of these flowers holds sunny energy and together they nourish me at many levels - especially during the winter.

There was just enough time to harvest some chamomile before the sky got really dark.

I hustled in and was able to get the windows shut before the heavens opened and it started pouring. Standing under the metal roof in the greenhouse, the noise was deafening...and I realized with a start that it wasn't just rain: there were some gravel-size chunks of hail coming down, too!

A good reason to get back to reading and writing!

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