It's Friday, June 11, 2021. Biodynamically, it's a 'flower' day (have you ever eaten a Nasturtium? They are lovely and peppery!) and numerologically, it's a '4' day (work done today will be lasting...) It was fairly cool here today, so I was okay with baking and cooking a few things for this evening's Fun Friday.

Since Brigham dropped off some fresh milk, I tried my hand at making farmer's cheese (a really simple recipe with 3 ingredients.) What a fun experiment that was!
Also, I watched a presentation at the (virtual) ASD conference - mine. I had pre-recorded it, because - hello? Mercury Retrograde?? - and I was glad to have had a chance to answer a few questions afterward before the first person arrived.
One question that arose was around the concept of time....and what did I mean by:

"We've been merging timelines"?
Well, the other day, I found two of the same titles on my bookshelf in two different locations; one was new, the other was well-read.
In one timeline, I had bought the book and read it. In the other, I had bought the book - and saved it to read. I have no memory of the story. When timelines merged, both books showed up. I'm looking forward to reading it in this timeline!
Interestingly, the exact same thing happened to a friend with a different title.
This evening, the beautiful folks who came for Fun Friday were able to all watch Raymon Grace's Convention Keynote with me. Raymon is a practical dowser who is open to all types of experimentation with dowsing and creating change for the betterment of everyone. Following his talk, our group was inspired to tone together - and then share out a word to focus some intention and energy: peace, health, freedom, love....
How perfect for today's "Gate 45: Gathering Together
Line 5 - Leadership All gathering together must have a center and a focus. Exaltation: The intuitive intellect and gift for innovation that enhance the group effort and ensure continuity through respect of the center. The gift for expressing leadership on the material plane."
Are you experiencing glitches? Seeing strange and unusual things show up?
It may be time to get centered and focus on creating change right along with us - we'll keep merging timelines, until we're all on the best one!