It's Saturday, August 29th and a few friends from out of town were here visiting. I had a general idea of what might be's always fun to allow ourselves to get lost on a magical adventure!

It included stories of dreams, visions, and vague concepts of being able to communicate across species, frequencies, and colors.
Are you noticing this theme showing up for you?
Also, reminding each other how to connect with our personal Source of Power, to also elevate and activate those opportunities for others.

It included a sense of urgency - timing, really.
Here we are moving out of scheduled time, into a sense of timelessness...and still, nature is letting us know changes are on the horizon!
The subtle color shift in the leaves is beginning to happen.

Even the weather shifted to accommodate our time outside!
We came back, and like the fierce 'kitchen witches' we are, whipped up a feast worthy of all of the Ancestors we had cleared for.
Including this funny potato - don't you just love other Nature's sense of humor?
If I thought I could have cooked it and served it like this, I would have!

It ended with a round of birthday wishes...
My wish is your wish and your wish is my wish.
Spending some time to visualize and speak the future into our experience is the work to focus on now.
Doing it with fierce, funny, wonderful people is such a joy!
Do you have a tribe to work with you on such endeavors? Many visions make light work.
(Get it? Light work?)