It's 11:55 pm on this Tuesday, June 22, 2021, as I write today's post. Since I'm pretty tired, I won't bore you with great details, ok?

I'll mention that today is a '6' day (which is after all, all about 'adjustment'!) and biodynamically, mostly a 'leaf' day, sandwiched in between some 'gray.'

The things I had planned were all somehow 'adjusted,' and though this morning went mostly somewhat as planned, my original plans for this afternoon were changed and replaced with plans that were then canceled (weather-related).
This created room for plans I wouldn't have known to plan: an invitation to Cuttingsville, then Rochester, and Waitsfield
There is certainly more to this story...

...and yet, I will simply share that I felt a huge amount of energy shifting, physically. Through my body. Because I accepted the 'call.'
Goes along with: "Gate 15.4 - Today feeling in the flow or not is key; Line 4 - The wallflower Modesty as a shield against exposure of inadequacy. Exaltation: A genuine form that may/or may not mask inadequacies. The uncomfortableness of the Self when it is out of the flow."
I was willing to be in the flow - even though my body would have been more comfortable staying home, Spirit was the driver - and I listened.