It's Friday, August 14th. How funny to think that we are already in the middle of this month!
I wasn't sure what to write about started with me planning a delicious menu of garden-fresh food, a zoom call with some friends (who were not at all interested in hearing an alternative perspective to what the Main Stream Media is putting out) and then a surprise visit from my sons!

I was thrilled - this way I could take a quick photo of them standing in front of the door frame! Now, I feel like I have some closure on being able to paint it.
Even as I look at these two, it's hard to remember how small they were, when we first moved here....
There was a moment of remembering Mark (age? 11?) coming down the stairs to announce:
"even though I haven't had a normal childhood, I think I'm gonna be okay."
And me, laughing so hard I couldn't speak... which point Nathan pointed out:
"Oh, Mark. There's no such thing as 'normal.'"
Is that true? (I was thrilled Nathan (at 13?) realized it....
Maybe it freed them both a little to bring more of their unique selves to the table?
Okay. Double closure! Let's move on...

Somehow I finished straightening things just as folks began to arrive.
Sharing the garden is always a thrill - and it's always nice when folks know the various herbs, plants, and flowers.
We collected some mint and St. John's Wort for a cup of herbal tea and then had an early dinner picnic with little Russian cookies!
So delicious.
Are you feeling this whole theme: Endings/Beginnings? Saying goodbye/And then 'hello'?
Finding closure - and moving on?
And somehow trusting that it's all good......because you are the one determining what normal is. (Or is not)