It's Thursday, June 23th, '8' day (getting things done!); which makes tomorrow a 6/6/6 day, numerologically - and a day of completion and closure. I am taking a moment to consider highlights of this and last month - and also upcoming events!

I hosted Garry Nichols here for a retreat week (it was an enlightening experience, to say the least!) I realized how valuable it is for artists to have a space of beauty to visit. If you are (or know) an artist who would like to spend time here, please do reach out!
Then I stood up to an intimidating sheriff in Brattleboro...whew! Empowering!!
Also, this month the American Society of Dowser's convention was a wonderful opportunity to connect and reconnect with friends - old and new.

Keynote speaker was (one of my heros) Dr, Patrick MacManaway. He spoke about the need to infuse awareness and love around our work in gardening, farming, and intentions. Of course, right? It makes everything flourish and thrive.
I've been so grateful to be able to host some very knowledgable people here, to introduce more practical aspects of creating & using biodynamic preps. During both classes so far, Rudolf Steiner showed up, about support!

Also at the convention I met some lovely alternative healers - including Paul Esch, from Vital Creations, Inc. He demonstrated his Tesla Coil bed (so new it's not even on his site, yet!), which included frequencies that create a healing field for the body. This was so exciting, that I invited hime back to the barn on his trip home. As it turned out, he arrived in time to participate in the Clearing Circle!
This was such a wonderful opportunity....

..and now, of course, I'm thrilled he will be returning North in late July!
Of course he will be giving a presentation and demo-sessions here - and perhaps you know of other venues for him to share this amazing experience while he is up here in New England? Please reach out to me ( to make a suggestion.

Now I'm ready to see what's next to weed/plant/mulch in the garden (biodynamically, it's a 'fruit day'), finish wrapping up some emails (all in Divine & Perfect Timing), post a few new upcoming events (there is NO Fun Friday scheduled for 7/'s an anomaly that we'll be having An here on 7/8).
So while the rest of the world is somewhat nuts, I am being the change I wish to see: Easy, breezy, lemon-squeezy!!

After all, we are in "Gate 15.5 - Theme of right timing or not today;
Line 5 - Sensitivity The ability to sense when otherwise balanced behaviour must be adjusted to meet the requirements of changing environment. Exaltation: The power to grow. The capacity of the Self to grow through experiencing the extremes."
These next few weeks may be challenging...remember to treat yourself kindly as you experience this growth!