It's Sunday, December 6th, the Second Advent, as well as Nikolaus Tag... and Happy Birthday, Heather!
Candles, chocolate, and snow...
Except: no snow really. Not here!
Which is kinda funny, to me.
Did you get any? Maybe you got it all....?
It was still chilly enough I was happy to make use of the fact that today is biodynamically a 'fruit' day, so I juiced up all of the remaining Asian pears.
As I worked, I chatted on the phone with a few folks, discussing what has been showing up: LOTS of impatience.
Well, yeah...that is exactly what this Gate 5 is all about: Waiting
Today, specifically Line 5 is: "Joy
Waiting as an aspect of enlightenment.
Exaltation: To remain calm as the ultimate aesthetic and thus recognize the inner meaning of being. The power to be calm and to find one's place in the flow.
Detriment: Joy dismissed as an illusion, waiting as a failure. Disillusionment with recognizing one's place in the flow."
So, while I (in my Human Design as a Generator) am very happily productive, it was important for me to be calm and find joy in this project at this time.
Doesn't that make sense?
Because I could very easily become very frustrated at not seeing progress on other fronts...know what I mean?
It was very joyful to connect with a group of enlightened women via zoom this afternoon.
Lauren provided a writing prompt that made good use of Sagittarian energy. Sag folks are BIG thinkers and freely forgiving, so the questions were:
What might you have always wanted to do that felt like too big of a dream?
What might you be ready to forgive, heal, and release?
I had several ideas. For both questions....
How about you?
Also, I will reread Karen Curry Parker's suggestion for Generators (as Alchemists):
"Affirmation: My life gives me an arena within which to explore myself and who I am. I let my inner alignment with my truth and what feels good and right, guide me and reveal to me the next right step. I strengthen my self-trust and courage so that I can confidently follow my path. I use the power of my mind to inspire me and allow for the gentle unfolding of my life path. I trust in the cycles of growth in my life, knowing that my destiny is to be the fulfillment of who I am. I listen to the signal that frustration gives me, knowing that my frustration is informing me that change is coming."