Sunday, April 26, 2020. Sunday - Fun day! What is this day going to bring?
As some of you may know, I spent a week at the Arthur Findley College in Stansted, UK. last November. It was a profound experience! Meeting the group of 16 women felt like connecting with long lost sisters. Have you ever felt that when you first met someone? That somehow you know them from another some-when or -where?

Anyway, through the gift of modern technology, we have stayed connected through WhatsApp. And at one point (over a month ago now) Joy, started a song treasure hunt. Each day she would send out a challenge to find a song title around a certain theme or word. Fun, right?
Each of us shares our selection and we reminisce about where we were when it first came out. Or hear something brand new to us. Or cry if it evokes a poignant memory.
Since their time zone is 5 hours ahead, I get to wake up wondering what the daily challenge will be. Today, we were to find and share a song featuring: 'planes, trains or automobiles - transportation."
So...what would your song choice be? So many to choose!
And a little bit of a metaphor, too. We all have different favorite songs. We all have different choices about transportation. We all have different views about life.
And by sharing these pieces of ourselves, we carry each other.